This blog explores my class experiences at Lamar University
Sunday, December 6, 2009
• The UDL Lesson you created in the CAST Lesson Builder
My team is great. They are all over researching, and sharing their thoughts. There is real collaboration because everybody is thinking about giving more every time. Developing a UDL unit was unique because I learn about a book that I had not read before: Esperanza Rising. This book happens to be very touching for Mexican American students. From there we started brainstorming on the lessons for the unit, decided to do it for Fourth grade students, designated the subject areas for each one of us to work on, and started the process of writing lesson plans. We had to meet several times to discuss and extend the ides of the UDL learning theory and its development. We had a great time, and decided that we probably meet in Austin for a conference.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
PSA Project final thoughts
PSA Project final thoughts
The production project we have been through along this class gave to us insights to make this process in a formal way starting from the idea of a multimedia project, to the screen writing, to storyboarding, to production, and to post-production. The visual arts are the sum of most arts, and it is wonderful to approach that world in a class dedicated to learn how to produce a multimedia project in a collaborative team. We were fortunate to work along with respect, tolerance, welcoming ideas and very good spirits.
The beginning of our group was not having a group and being lonely in the web. Then Daphney gave us a hand and we were able to connect with each other and start working together. We started by reading and analyzing the material from our class every week to start applying in our project what in theory was explained. The using all elements available to put together an idea focus on purpose of the Public Service Add (PSA) and its audience. Once we agreed in a basic script for our story, we started a list of tasks and responsibilities for all the group members. Then, Irma started our wiki where we have been collaborating in producing documents, discussing ideas, voting on possible shots of our PSA, and having a great time interaction with each other in this amazing Web 2.0 tool. Once we had the initial script I make a page for the storyboard. Storyboarding was the graphic representation of the sequences we would do along these weeks. The storyboard helped us to brainstorm ideas of how much time, movement or transition from one scene to another and what special effects could be used.
The video-shooting was very interesting because we came with different shots each member of the group did to upload them to our account to be evaluated by the team to select the most suitable for the project. Consider the types of camera shots that can be used. We discussed about close-ups and how they show details, expressions and emotions, medium-range shots to make visual the bullying scenes, and any other technique used to promote visual language to captivate our audience and transmit a message.
We learn basic principles of copyright and how to apply them in and other readings along this class. This is one of the most important parts of the project. How to finish our clip in a copyrighted ethical environment? The question was always part of our discussion. When we explore the idea of using some students to shoot a scene, the parental permission was needed. The music we ended up using came from War Sounds Audio, and we confirmed that was a Navy public domain.
The publication of our PSA included the question of how to upload videos in format acceptable for the web. We learn to modify our videos to .mp4 videos that accepts. This and many other details were crafted in a collaborative manner. Our group is a wonderful learning community that makes projects more efficiently by using each member skills to develop projects.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Second week remake
There are many interesting videos and shows in // Additionally; PBS offers all kind of documentaries about many topics that are for sale and for free download. One of the most interesting ones is Charlie Rose Talk show. He invites all kind of personalities to his program to talk about science, religion, art, movies, books or any other fascinating topic. His talk show, even though with a very simple stage, is one of the most prestigious programs in American Television.
PBS series Wide Angle in // offers a political, economical and social perspective of conflicts around the world. There are many sources to find information about crisis in Somalia, famine in Africa, war in Angola or any other turmoil around the world. That wide variety of sources presents us with a big challenge when it comes to select a reliable source. Finding PBS is good because we know that this is ones of the sources we can use to compare information and make more reliable conclusions on those topics.
To capture a video from a website was not a simple task because there are many software available to do so that confusion is the first answer. Finally, I tried looking in youtube for video-tutorials that show how to download a video from youtube and change its format to mp4 (MPEG-4 is a patented collection of methods defining compression of audio and visual (AV) digital data -Wikipedia). I found this part very useful for our final project, even though I used this in my second week assignment to choose the clips I used in the video “Parts of the movie trailer”
My clip includes video that I shot, music made in Garage Band, still images from the film, video effects available in iMovie, and all the credits to the people that work in the project. I added sound effects from iMovie, music made in Garage Banda, and Narration in voiceover of iMovie.I downloaded the music following directions form // and now I know how to use music respecting copyrights, but I never used it because along the process of my clip I decided it would be better to use Garage Band to make the music of this clip.// link was confusing but I finally managed to find the document with the guide googling dvcg_cs4_p3_student_guides.pdf. Important steps to presenting work for peer reviewing and the guide on giving comments and advise. This guide relay on stating purpose, audience, and goals at any time of the project. This is very important to have a consistent product that will convey the message that was intended at the beginning of the video.
The final product is in youtube, and I hope you all enjoy it.
Thank you
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My video learning
This is the part where I suffer the most. This is my first experience trying to follow the process of movie making. Before I played with iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Pinnacle studio, but this is the first time when I find myself through the process of thinking consciously in what exactly I am going to shoot, and what is the importance of the script, the storyboard and the most important thing: the message. This has been painful but worthy. I was inspired by the article of Howard Lindenmeyer “Writing voice-over narration” This is an article written in a very poetical style. Interesting that the focus of the article conveys so clearly in the example his writer chose, and that happens because he has a captivating style to put words together and make people feel for what he writes.
I have been through the process, so I can laugh at my own mistakes. I just needed to go through that list of 10 tips of video shooting to realize all the mistakes I have done for years. Now, the good thing is that our perspective changes. I started noticing in the movies and TV shows how they move from shoot to shoot so quickly to keep the audience attracted to the show. I was also amazed by the effect that manual focus and depth of focus field creates in a shoot. Viewer tries to figure out the clear image behind the blurry object in first plane, and that is an artistic way to play with the shapes, and colors using depth and focus. I was confused at the beginning about this parallel between golf and video shooting because I have never played golf before. Then I started understanding the terminology of golf and how it relates to video shooting. Teeing up is getting ready to shot. The “bag” contains the five “clubs” or categories that you mention: XWS, WS, MS, CU and XCU. The key is how to use those shots to communicate a message.
“The script is a written and drafted into a workable blueprint for the film.” This sentence keeps the idea of the movie clear, avoiding digressions from the initial proposal and will save time and money in the production.
Monday, June 15, 2009
My video clip
I started thinking about being creative and making a video that really were original and make my audience feel emotion enjoying the view of my creation. I did not have a very peaceful week because the muse did no came that easily. Then I came home tired of working and studying and, there he was, my dog laying in the living room carpet while my cat was taking care of him. There was not need for any other motivating image to talk to people about simple things that make our lives happy. Small details that really pay off any hard day we ever have had.
This week was like crazy. There was not time to finish anything. I read, and read, and read, and the time fly by so fast that the deadline for the video was here. Then my website class, and my school group were there and I had to decide how to make everything work out. Then my dog and my cat made the miracle of my video clip.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Reflection on my video project
It was overwhelming to finish this project in one week having to work and read that much material, but it was interesting at the same time. The creative process was the part that I struggle the most. I needed to find a topic attractive that would make me comfortable and that would attract other people attention. I do not know what you viewers think about dogs, but I love my dog and for that reason I chose him as the topic of my personal video. Additionally, I have my family living in Santiago de Chile, Chile and I wanted to share my dog with my niece Juanita who is two years old. That is how I focus my project on my dog showing a few tricks he can perform. I organize the material, and edited the video using Windows Movie Maker. I changed the format of the video file from .wmv to .mp4 to fit better on youtube.comAfter all this work, I feel satisfied with the final result because it is beautiful, tender, and my niece is in love with my dog. Thank you
I was not ready to meet my classmates, and my teacher. My hair was in disarray, I was sleepy, and the coffee did not wake me up totally when I entered in the website. It was funny the process of learning together with other people the protocol, and basics of web conferencing. My classmates are nice people, and this first face to face experience gave each other a more personal hint of our individual world. This was very exciting to see the face behind a keyboard that was the other end of my class. This personal experience is essential in the process of learning.