My research question: Google Analytics: How to track website activity, and why is this important to enhance the visitor experience to educational websites?
Schools in America are moving through the web. This has been a process that involves fast changes in technology that the new school has to adopt in order to be competitive in the new world. This is a world that demands for informed institutions that are willing to enhance costumers’ experiences when they visit their web sites. Therefore, schools, teachers, and school districts’ web sites need to track their visitors in order to analyze points of interest of their costumers, establish behavior patterns in their costumers’ searches, and compare costumer interest with the web site objectives. The final goal is to use data to rethink web products and, therefore, improve web site effectiveness.
Now, formal research process is not about understanding the problem but about asking the right questions to understand the problem. In other words, it is a problem solving based on problem understanding (Harris, S. Edmonson and Comb, 2009). Therefore, the main purpose of my quest will be to find what is the value that can be added to a web site by tracking visitors’ behavior, and how this data can be useful to enhance the services for the learning community.
Harris, S. Ed monsoon, S., & Combs, J. (2009). Examining what we do to improve our schools: 9 steps from analysis to action. Larchmont, N.Y.: Eye on Education. pp.16
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